Our Chapters
The Chapter Chair
Ayurveda Association of Canada has 5 Provincial Chapters to better serve the needs and requirements of various provinces.
The chapter Chairperson has the overall responsibility for developing chapter programs, for ensuring that plans and assignments are carried out, and for seeing that the chapter fulfils its obligations to the Association. The Chairperson will be familiar with the policies and procedures of the Association, with the association bylaws, and with the duties of all the other AAC officers and committee chairpersons.

Preeti Patel (Chair, Alberta Chapter)
Vaidya Preeti Patel have been in natural healing industries since two decades. After graduation in Ayurveda, her interest in “ healing through touch” lead her to specialized in traditional ayurvedic panchkarma and western massage therapies.
She is helping people globally with expertise based herbs, home remedies, panchkarmas, specific breathing techniques, yoga, lifestyle modification etc. And also teach Ayurveda panchkarmas. Director & Owner of AyuCure wellness, Edmonton Instructor at Sri Sri Ayurveda, Montreal Consultants at Health matters wellness clinic,
Edmonton Consultant at Art of living, Montreal, Canada & Mexico city.

Purnima Chaudhari (Chair, Manitoba Chapter)
Purnima Chaudhari is a a mutifaceted healer and works as a Ayurvedic Practitioner, Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Esthetician practicing in Winnipeg manitoba. Her personal health crisis led to the discovery Ayurveda and for the past 10 years, where she studied and started practicing this ancient healing system after receive training from a world renowned Ayurvedic practitioner Vaidya R. K. Mishra of the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) lineage.
She is proficient in nadi pariksha (pulse assessment) along with Transdermal Marma treatment from Vaidya Mishra and currently offers Ayurvedic consultations and body therapies based on SVA training. She loves to educate people on Ayurvedic Dinacharya and seasonal practices which promote health and balance and hosts seasonal Ayurvedic retreats to give them a taste of Ayurveda. Her goal is to continue learning and sharing Ayurveda,
help new Ayurvedic practitioners establish practice and inspire students to continue learning this ancient knowledge.

Joanna Wolczyk (Chair, Quebec Chapter)
Joanna was born in Poland, then moved to Italy at 7 years old before settling with her family in Québec, Canada. With over 20 years of studies and travels around the world, she continues to deepen and expand her knowledge by pursuing further
education in French & English with many leading international teachers in Canada, the United States, and Europe.
She left her career as an interior designer, and more than a decade of work as a public servant, to help those around her by combining her passions for Ayurveda, Yoga, Interior Design and Traveling. Joanna’s intention is to empower people to find profound inner peace on a
daily basis with easy and effective tools through the lens of the Science of Life, Ayurveda.

Moninder Kaur Rekhi (Chair, Ontario Chapter)
Vd. Moninder Kaur Rekhi is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine (Ayurveda). She did her ‘Bachelors in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery’ from a well reputed University in India, followed by ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy’. In her more than two decades of journey as an Ayurvedic physician, she has been a practitioner, educator, speaker, writer and a lifelong learner.
She has effectively treated clients for chronic and common ailments with herbal formulations. She uses the concepts of Ayurveda and psychology to understand needs of body and mind to fruitfully guide her clients towards overall well being. She specializes in herbal recommendations and holistic counselling with focus on creating balance in the life of her client. Registered as an herbalist in Ontario, Canada, she is an Ayurvedic practitioner in Oakville. She is also on the editorial board of the magazine ‘Ayurveda Mantra’ and is a regular contributor for the same. Trained in safe talk and suicide alert, she is a volunteer with Distress Centre Halton, an organization that helps people deal with emotional crisis and loneliness. A simple person by nature, she is guided by a humble desire to live her own life in alignment with her real self and genuinely supports others who desire to do the same.

Franca Vresk (Chair, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Chapter)
Franca grew up in a family of Entrepreneurs’ in Ontario. She decided to move with her niece to make Saint John her home in May 2010. Franca has been successfully running her own practice in Saint John since she has arrived. She has incorporated Meditation courses and personal development classes for anyone who is interested in learning new things. Franca organizes Spa days to encourage women to help women.
She volunteers her services to auction off for various charity organizations.
Franca’s educational background consists of the following:
1. Reiki 1 & 2 in 2001 providing long-distance and in-person energy healing
2. Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Certification from Ayurvedic Academy of Canada in 2004. Franca practiced and taught at the Centre of Ayurveda & Indian Systems of Healing (CAISH) and practiced part-time at Yoga-To-Go in Dundas, Ontario
3. Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumaris from 2004 – 2008 and provided spiritual healing.
4. Kriya Yoga 2004-2006
5. Shamanic Apprenticeship 2005-2006
6. Music Therapy Certification 2006
7. 1st & 2nd Tier Akashic Records Consultant Certification 2007
Franca also comes from a background of over 20 yearsexperience in the corporate world of Sales and Marketing. Franca Vresk is registered and licensed with The Canadian Reiki Association,
Alliance Professional of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (A.P.N.N.) and the Canadian Ayurveda Medical Association.

Anuja Mahajan (Chair, British Columbia Chapter)
Anuja is a Ayurveda physician based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. After completing her Bachelors in Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery, she went on to finish her Post graduate Diploma in Panchkarma.
She has practiced medicine in various hospitals and Ayurveda clinics in India and successfully ran her own Panchkarma centre in Mumbai, India. Besides, Ayurveda her other interests include Medical Acupuncture and Acupressure- Foot reflexology. Due to her interest in medicine,
she has also completed an Advanced Diploma in Clinical Research, and has worked in pharmaceutical industry as a Drug Safety Specialist.

Nurturing the growth and presence of Ayurveda in Canada
Globally. Ayurveda is increasingly acknowledged as a comprehensive. traditional system of natural medicine. By 2017 Canadians were developing an interest in Ayurveda— particularly its contribution in health promotion and primary prevention. But Ayurveda was not united The time had come for Ayurveda to become recognized as one of the official Natural/Holistic Health Care Systems in Canada. This led to the birth of AAC by its highly experienced and dedicated founding board members along with the community recognized leaders. educators & doctors on the advisory board of AAC.

The Ayurveda Association of Canada
The Ayurveda Association of Canada (AAC) will act as an officialAyurvedic resource in Canada with chapters in Alberta. British Columbia, Nova Scotia. Quebec. and Ontario.
Our Aim
To bring together a collaborative community of Ayurvedic practitioners and Vedic scholars: to provide a place of reference for consumers: to host continuing education and professional building for newer/Less experienced practitioners to present Ayurvedic Medicine to government and non-government organizations: to partner with other forms of natural medicine in Canada and to develop an Ayurvedic Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics
The Ayurveda Association of Canada (AAC) invites you to join hands and stand in a united voice with like-minded interest that upholds the authenticity of Ayurvedic Medicine. Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.