Our Experts of the Industry
Meet Our Board of Directors

Praveen Saxena
Dr. Praveen K. Saxena is a Professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, and has over 30 years of experience in plant biotechnology. His research focuses on the development of Integrated Plant Production Systems (IPPS) which combine the use of micropropagation, including large-scale multiplication in bioreactors, with cultivation in growth chambers and greenhouses to achieve optimum plant development and chemical profiles. The IPPS technology is currently being optimized for rapid production and commercialization of medicinal plants in addition to value-added crops such as hops, ginseng, goldenseal, apple and hazelnut. Dr Saxena’s conservation program for endangered plant species provides a platform for interdisciplinary research, education and services in fundamental and applied research in conservation biology (www.gripp.ca). He also publishes an online magazine Spiritual Botany (www.spiritualbotany.com) to learn, envision, and disseminate information on plant human relationship and environmental consciousness.
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Neil Roy
I am an Indian -born Canadian with interest in banking, entrepreneurship and strategic business consulting. I am in the process of completing my MBA in Conscious leadership from Alfred Ford School of Management in Durbuy, Belgium. I am married with two teenage daughters and we have been living in Toronto for 22 years. My interest in Leadership and my passion towards helping others in the community helped me to expand in volunteer activities and involvements in many communities in GTA namely the Hindu temples, Youth LGBTQ, Jewish Entrepreneurs programs and Christian churches. Continuing studies has been a strong contributor to my career. I became a Financial Planner and joined banking at Bank of Montreal in 1997. Financial literacy and delivering financial advice became my second nature. I specialized in Financial solutions and advice for new entrepreneurs, food and beverage franchises, and small businesses. I became a franchise specialist with RBC and worked until 2018. I joined CIBC in February 2019 as their Business Development Manager for GTA West, to grow SME market share. I am a vegetarian by choice and love to cook. In my leisure hours, I play tennis and golf. I am a big advocate of mindfulness, yoga and meditation. I am always looking to get involved and participate in Business chambers and councils with my intention to help and assist businesses and individuals new to Canada, for I have walked in their shoes when I arrived in Canada as a young immigrant.
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Bhavna Mehta
Bhavna Mehta BAMS, RNP is an Ayurvedic doctor from India with more than 20 years of experience in Ayurvedic Medicine and a specialization in Panchkarma. She is a Registered Nurse Practitioner (licensed in Canada) and works at Sunnybrook Hospital. Bhavna’s unique expertise includes an ability to integrate her knowledge of Western medicine with Ayurvedic medicine. She has contributed her valuable skills to the clinical learning settings at CAISH as a teacher for the last 10 years.
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Erica Mueller
Erica is certified in Ayurveda massage and body work and studied and practices most Ayurveda treatments into her practice. She also studied at an Ayurveda hospital in India and was certified in Panchakarma at that time.
Ericas’ passion for Ayurveda herbs and formulations has her certified her in the use of herbs and formulations. Understanding the importance of helping North Americans understand Ayurveda, Erica enjoys lecturing, on Ayurveda, throughout the Okanagan Valley.

Paul Batth, Toronto
Paul Batth is the founder and CEO of AyuMantra, a brand of high-quality Ayurvedic products. As part of his mission to propagate knowledge about Ayurveda, he has also founded the Ayurveda Mantra Magazine, for which he serves as the editor-in-chief, and through which he seeks to generate awareness about Ayurveda and natural well-being among a global readership. Paul has been a long-standing proponent of Ayurveda and natural well-being. For nearly two decades, he has actively engaged in promoting Ayurvedic products and building informed perspectives around the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga. Paul’s passion for Ayurveda stems from his first-hand association with the subject – an association that dates back to his early years. In 1998, he established Herbland Limited, an Ayurvedic products enterprise first headquartered in New York, USA, and eventually in Toronto, Canada. Over the years, Paul has built lasting relationships within the Ayurveda community, along with a worldwide network of experts, scholars, teachers and practitioners in the fields of Ayurveda, Yoga and herbal remedies. He is currently based in Toronto and continues his advocacy of natural well-being through the Ayurveda Mantra Magazine, a bi-monthly repository of articles from Ayurveda and Yoga experts that he aims to publish in multiple languages.
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Neelam Toprani
Neelam Toprani is an Ayurvedic researcher and formulator of Sewanti and Phyto Vedic herbal remedies and Padmashri classical massage oils. Neelam has lifelong experience in Ayurveda. She is a teacher and lecturer and is passionate in sharing her knowledge in the wisdom of Ayurveda. Neelam offers a practical approach to health and wellness through Ayurveda. Neelam’s company, Sewanti Ayurvedic Series, was the conference organizer and proud sponsor of the 7th International Ayurveda & Metabolic Disorders Conference at Asian Centre, UBC, Vancouver in June 2013. One of the objectives of her company is to take the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and translate it into practical solutions to improve the quality of modern day life. From her Vancouver based company; Neelam strives to bring awareness of Ayurveda to the western world through educational programs, regulation of Ayurvedic medicine at various government levels and integration of Ayurvedic treatment protocols with modern medicine. She is Secretary to the board of Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA). Neelam was appointed Research Associate of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) Harvard Branch in April 2014. She has been actively involved in reviewing several papers including Contemporary Challenges in Ayurveda: An Ancient Medical Technology by Suresh Kumar, Neelam Toprani, Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan.
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Nurturing the growth and presence of Ayurveda in Canada
Globally. Ayurveda is increasingly acknowledged as a comprehensive. traditional system of natural medicine. By 2017 Canadians were developing an interest in Ayurveda— particularly its contribution in health promotion and primary prevention. But Ayurveda was not united The time had come for Ayurveda to become recognized as one of the official Natural/Holistic Health Care Systems in Canada. This led to the birth of AAC by its highly experienced and dedicated founding board members along with the community recognized leaders. educators & doctors on the advisory board of AAC.

The Ayurveda Association of Canada
The Ayurveda Association of Canada (AAC) will act as an officialAyurvedic resource in Canada with chapters in Alberta. British Columbia, Nova Scotia. Quebec. and Ontario.
Our Aim
To bring together a collaborative community of Ayurvedic practitioners and Vedic scholars: to provide a place of reference for consumers: to host continuing education and professional building for newer/Less experienced practitioners to present Ayurvedic Medicine to government and non-government organizations: to partner with other forms of natural medicine in Canada and to develop an Ayurvedic Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics
The Ayurveda Association of Canada (AAC) invites you to join hands and stand in a united voice with like-minded interest that upholds the authenticity of Ayurvedic Medicine. Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.